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Bright Futures in the making at Viadex

We are pleased to announce the first Apprenticeship Assessment day hosted by Viadex in collaboration with QA.

At Viadex, we pride ourselves on working hard and playing hard and the day comprised of a series of individual and group activities where the idea was to get to know the candidates better in a relaxed environment.


The Kick-Off
The chilly morning was met with a warm welcome from Viadex Leadership and QA representatives. Not forgetting refreshments, to ensure that everyone was fuelled in preparation for the day ahead. To start the sessions both delegates and Viadex Leadership completed a card game activity so we could break the ice.

We wanted to get the ‘boring’ stuff out of the way early in the morning and the first activity session involved delegates completing a cognitive assessment designed to measure learning potential. After a light lunch, the candidates enjoyed a round of pool with Viadex Chief Technical Officer, Adrian Kingsford. I might add that Technology is not the only area in which Adrian excels,

“I taught those youngsters a few things on the pool table, they didn’t know what hit them”

– Adrian Kingsford, Viadex CTO


Post Lunch
After lunch, the candidates completed an individual exercise which assessed attention to detail and following instructions. Everyone had a great laugh where some caved under peer pressure and others thrived to emerge victoriously.

Candidates were then divided into two groups and were tasked with debating an ethical dilemma. This activity showcased communication skills, analytical skills as well as the ability to influence others and show integrity. Integrity is a core value at Viadex and through this activity, we were able to better understand the candidate’s concept of what is right and wrong. The learning revolved around the fact that we are constantly faced with ethical decisions in both our personal and professional lives and the importance of staying true to who we are and not being victims of our circumstances.

The final activity was the IT Word game. It was quite entertaining to see how the IT specialists in the room grappled with this activity. In all fairness, the exercises assessed language skills more than it did IT, so I wouldn’t hold it against anyone.

The Grand Finale
We closed the day with a light snack and a quick debrief of everyone’s experiences, thanking the delegates for their attendance. Individual interviews finalised the day’s activities where competency-based interviews assessed being proactive and customer focused. We were able to further tap into candidates career aspirations using the competency-based interviewing technique.

We look forward to welcoming the successful candidates to the Viadex family. Watch this space.
