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Simplifying Onboarding with Device as a Service (DaaS)

Getting the Right Device to the Right Person at the Right Time

Onboarding new employees with the right devices, configured to their specific needs, combined with timely delivery is a significant challenge for organizations, made more complex when their locations are geo-dispersed. The traditional approach to IT asset activation often involves cumbersome processes and manual interventions, leading to a variety of results that impact productivity and employee satisfaction. Device as a Service has the potential to successfully contribute to a streamlined onboarding process, ensuring seamless device provisioning for new hires with an immediate positive impact on productivity.

Challenges of onboarding employees with the right devices are multifaceted. 

  • The first challenge is often around the struggle related to the procurement of devices, as it involves extensive research (particularly when the new hire requires a specific device for specialist output), vendor management, negotiation, logistics all leading to potential delays. 
  • The second hurdle is then to ensure compatibility with the configuration of the devices to meet the standard specifications required by the organisation, which is often manual, time-consuming, and sometimes prone to errors, potentially leading to lost productivity and user dissatisfaction. The lack of a standardized approach to managing the device lifecycle hampers efficiency, productivity, and consistency across the organization right at the start of the process, which does not take into consideration the rest of the lifecycle. 
  • Managing device inventories – issuing for a new hire in a newly created position, issuing for a new hire replacing an existing position (that had a device), ensuring timely replacements or upgrades further complicates the onboarding process.
  • This is further compounded by the need for logistics that meets the timelines by ensuring that the right device, get to the right place at the right time activating the right user all whilst being sustainably compliant. 

The risk of failing to address these onboarding challenges can lead to slower integration into the workforce, reducing their overall productivity. Misconfigured or incompatible devices can result in technical issues and increased IT support requests, consuming valuable time and resources. Moreover, inconsistencies in device configurations can lead to security vulnerabilities and compliance risks with the ultimate result impacting employee performance which hinders organizational growth. The complexity of geographically dispersed locations, involving multiple vendors, licenses, and time constraints, exacerbates the risk further.

Device as a Service (DaaS) presents an innovative and efficient solution to streamline the onboarding process and mitigate the consequences of the identified pain points. Partnering with Viadex gives organizations the opportunity to onboard new hires anywhere globally, as we deliver global access not only to a wide range of devices that are pre-configured to an organisations specifications but, most importantly, the partnership is consumption-driven as we offer flexible subscription-based model, allowing businesses to scale their device requirements easily based on their workforce’s size and needs.

This removes the need for inhouse device procurement (sourcing, negotiations, multiple vendors, multiple contracts, multiple licences) as well as a logistics component, ensuring that the right devices are delivered promptly to new hires, expediting their integration into the workforce. The ability to onboard diverse employee needs with agility, saves time both in user productivity and IT support, with the device lifecycle owned and managed by Viadex, as well as a guaranteed device failure replacement.

Standardization is a key feature of the Viadex DaaS solution, we ensure consistency in device configurations, reducing compatibility issues and IT support requests. With regular hardware refresh cycles, DaaS guarantees that employees have access to up-to-date devices, enhancing productivity and efficiency. This proactive approach minimizes device downtime and ensures that employees always have functional and reliable devices to carry out their tasks.

In conclusion, the Viadex DaaS solution is a solution to ensure that the onboarding new employees with the right devices, configured to a standard specification delivered to the right place at the right time enables a new hire with agility and removes the complexity. By simplifying the device provisioning process, Viadex empowers organizations to enhance productivity, reduce IT support burdens, and improve user experience. Enabling DaaS with Viadex as your global partner will enable businesses to focus on their core operations, achieve operational excellence, and foster a positive and efficient work environment.