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May 11, 2017

It’s a simple concept, delivery of all your IT needs – reducing down time, upskilling and training, time to market, inappropriate spend, time management of resources, security, connectivity, incompatibility……the list goes on.

Access one simple platform where all your data and systems are safe and accessible, always available much like power, water and other utilities.

Now we know IT appears to be more complex but do you really care if your staff have Lenovo or HP laptops? What does it matter who makes the router or what brand of server you buy – if it meets your business needs then that’s all that should matter! Yet, IT departments exist within enterprises around the world and still occupy themselves with these decisions – is that a good use of their time? The commercial aspects of selection and negotiation then follow, adding mountains of administrative cost and that’s just the beginning! You then have to manage licenses, warranties, assets often around the globe or at the very least in multiple locations. Imagine if your electricity supply and appliances that used it carried the same complexity – it would be daunting!

Our market is maturing, we recognise that IT is evolving towards becoming a utility, with many of your end user devices already seen as commodities much like white goods, with many of the components of your data center approaching that point. Businesses are starting to evolve towards a utility based consumption model, this isn’t a project – it’s a process. Even organisations born in the cloud still get sucked into the world of managing their IT.

We at Viadex are passionate about the evolution, we work with mid-sized enterprises who have globally dispersed operations. As a global enterprise with more than 10,000 people there are a number of prominent organisations who you could outsource your entire IT operations to, however for organisations with 1200 people and 10 offices and or Data Center world-wide, there is no single organisation positioned to meet your needs – well not many that we know of anyway, except for Viadex.

We have engaged with a research organisation to establish how globally dispersed organisations currently manage their IT from supply chain consolidation to single pain of glass IT management, from Software and Hardware Asset Management to managing spend from Capex to Opex budgets. I would be interested to hear from people working within globally dispersed organisations about where they are on their journey and what their biggest challenges are.

As a parting shot to “vendors”, especially hardware vendors, your product is the plumbing, nobody cares so long as it works well every time and when the world is one market place your channel models need to reflect that! Some of the large dodos in this industry seem to think that making international warranty transfers impossible or complex protects their local business units – its antiquated and unnecessary, serving their model not yours and just one of the reasons why over time their place in the value chain will continue to diminish…….they preach that we should add value and yet their channel models fly in the face of the bleeding obvious! Wake up or become extinct!