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Call that a wireless network? Cloud controlled Wi-Fi changes everything

Viadex: Global IT Infrastructure and Deployment Specialists Every man, and woman, is an islandIn an age when the network must be all things to all men, and women, the complexity that comes along with making it just so can be overwhelming. The expectations of the business become more demanding every day. The next big thing…

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DATA ANALYTICS: the passport to competitive differentiation – Maximum storage performance is the minimum requirement

The technology that data has been waiting forConsumers are becoming more discerning, demanding, and digitally-savvy in how they choose not just their holidays, but also the providers they opt to purchase holidays and related products from. Providers need to be equally discerning and demanding in their technology choices; making the right moves from an infrastructure…

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 Manufacturer  Price Increase  Affected Products  Effective Date  Apple  Various  All products  28th Oct 2016  Fujitsu  5%  Storage  1st Nov 2016  Hewlett Packard  Enterprise  6-12%  All products  1st Dec 2016  Lenovo  10%  All products  1st Dec 2016  Microsoft  13% – On Premise 22% – Enterprise  Cloud Services Enterprise software and cloud  services within the EU/ EFTA  region.  1st…

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