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How safe is your business?

Cybercrime is everywhere in the digital world. Hackers are getting ever-smarter at gaining entry to systems wherever a defence weakness exists. They’ll find it. Discover how you can find it first.

For the globally dispersed mid-market organisation,
a new threat landscape poses essential questions
around more than just the far-reaching extent of your locations.

When it comes to interactions with your supply chain, for example, your systems might be compromised by activities beyond your control, or outside your line of sight.

When this happens, it’s not just an IT problem; it can have resounding negative impact through your business. It will disrupt your ability to operate efficiently, and raise questions you never want asked by your business and supply chain partners, and your customers.

There’s a lot to consider, from both an external and an internal perspective, for example:

How do you operate confidently; knowing you have done all you can to protect your own business; putting your systems, your data, and your business’ reputation first and foremost?

How security-aware is your workforce; not just when they may be on your premises but also when they work from home and have access to your systems?

Do you have a solid security strategy; one that establishes workforce behaviours and check-lists every possible area of cyberthreat exposure, combined with specific solutions in place to deal with each and every one?

Can you see problems coming; or, if and when they hit, will they rapidly escalate into potential disasters?

In short, how safe do you consider your business to be; its processes and data, its applications and devices wherever in the world they may be located? Do you have a coordinated, holistic approach or is your security the result of multiple layers from numerous vendors, brought into play piece by piece?

Mid-market, geo-dispersed?

- what you need to know

The geo-dispersed challenge

Optimising your risk mitigation

Seeing everything through proactive monitoring

The value of holistic security

Safer business in the digital world

The geo-dispersed challenge

Whilst security is a top-line concern for any geo-dispersed business, you don’t want it to take over and detract focus, or resources, from your main business goals. Nonetheless it remains central to your ability to serve your customers, collaborate with your global supply chain, and empower your staff in every location and every country. To strike the optimum balance between a robust security strategy and simply knowing that it’s all taken care of without taking over the business, depends on using the right tools, delivered with proven expertise. Managed security services deliver both; everywhere, all the time.

The geo-dispersed challenge

Whilst security is a top-line concern for any geo-dispersed business, you don’t want it to take over and detract focus, or resources, from your main business goals. Nonetheless it remains central to your ability to serve your customers, collaborate with your global supply chain, and empower your staff in every location and every country.

To strike the optimum balance between a robust security strategy and simply knowing that it’s all taken care of without taking over the business, depends on using the right tools, delivered with proven expertise. Managed security services deliver both; everywhere, all the time.

Optimising your risk mitigation

Threats come in all shapes and sizes through any way they can gain access. In one instance an attack came in from a USB port when a company’s member of staff was working at home.

One of the employees’ children innocently inserted a USB stick into the staff member’s work laptop. This opened the door for an attack on the company’s main systems. This is the sort of event you need to plan for. Successfully preventing such intrusions depends on combing the right technology with staff education and risk-awareness.

Seeing everything through proactive monitoring

Robust and reliable all-round security depends being able to see everything that’s happening in your IT infrastructure, at your datacentres, in your network, and on end-user devices.

By unifying your views through a single-pane of glass you can gain visibility wherever you operate around the world and control over your attack surface. Whatever happens, you’ll know precisely where it is. You’ll benefit from an aggregated view of vulnerabilities across network, cloud, endpoint and data; providing threat intelligence and signals from your existing security tools.

The value of holistic security

By adopting a holistic, streamlined, joined-up approach to cyber security your team’s efforts will be streamlined, targeted, and fast; sharing knowledge to speed up investigations and see full end-to-end attacker activity and attack timeline.

With many security solutions, bombardments of unmanageable alerts can obscure the true positives; the events that constitute the real here-and-now threats requiring instant action and remediation. By minimising the false positives, Viadex, using the powerful and accurate analytics of Secureworks® will make sure your team sees only the mission-critical actionable insights.

Safer business in the digital world

Reassurance, confidence and all-round protection comes from knowing that your actions are guided by proven technology, harnessing proven SOC security analytics. Such an approach will enable you to reduce costs, mitigate risks, and enhance security effectiveness.

Gain confidence that you’re taking the right action to contain a threat and let your security experts focus on security instead of mundane platform administration. They’ll be motivated and inspired, and the business will be altogether safer.

See everything; everywhere

The systems, networks and data of geo-dispersed, mid-market organisations are often compromised without their even knowing it. Until it’s too late. Attacks are sophisticated and, as a result, harder to detect than they have ever been.

Hacker intrusions can lie undetected while they slowly, but surely, harvest the data they want or intensify the damage they wish to inflict. Hindsight is useless. Foresight is everything.


Detect, understand, and stop sophisticated attacks.
Leverage purpose-built analytics for continuously updated, actionable insights on threat indicators,
and the necessary countermeasures
to eliminate the threats.


Our trusted partners

- who you need to know

Safer business, together.

The Viadex and Secureworks® partnership offers the experience, resources, and toolsets that mid-market organisations can turn to for all-round reassurance, and end-to-end vigilance, protection and – when threat events emerge – remediation in real-time.

Attacks are thwarted before they gain momentum and before they can do any harm; not just to your infrastructure and data, but to your reputation and standing with your supply chain partners and – most importantly – your customers.


Delivering 24/7/365 threat detection and response

Our partner, Secureworks®, is cited by Forrester as a leader in Managed Detection and Response, and Managed Security Services. Secureworks® provides 24/7/365 managed extended detection and response (XDR), with threat hunting and incident response capabilities.


85% less effort | Infinitely more protection

Legacy security tools hinder security operations productivity, limit visibility of MITRE ATT&CK tactics and techniques, and slow down threat responses. With exponentially better and more efficient insights, ManagedXDR delivers higher fidelity alerts and response capabilities, reducing SOC work by 85%.


Extended Detection & Response


Managed Detection & Response


Incident Response

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Managed Security Services




Cloud Security

Viadex & Secureworks

- Safer Business Together


Cyber Defence Assessment

A multi-award winning Breach & Attack Simulation system which tests and highlights possible threats to your organisation before it’s too late. How effective are your existing security controls?


Social Awareness Platform

We are proud to offer the only GCHQ-Certified training platform of it’s kind. Are your people your first line of cyber security defence?


Cyber Insurance

Many UK businesses are risking their own survival with inadequate cyber-insurance policies. Many policies do not cover cyber-crimes. Are you covered?


Managed Services

- maximise security effectiveness

Attacks have become more sophisticated and harder to detect. Combine that with limited visibility in the cloud, understaffed and under skilled security teams and the growing costs and complexity to manage disparate security systems, you can understand the importance for a modernised threat intelligence. But unified detection and response is possible, helping you gain comprehensive visibility and control over your endpoint, network, and cloud environments.


Having a holistic view of IT infrastructure is key to security efficacy. Gain single-pane-of-glass visibility and control over your attack surface by aggregating network, cloud, endpoint and vulnerability data with curated threat intelligence and signals from your existing security tools. Detect, understand, and stop sophisticated attacks with actionable insight that are continuously updated with threat indicators, countermeasures, and purpose-built analytics.

Viadex security spot check

- 30 minute meeting

One of our security experts will explore top five concerns with you:


Do you have protection at every possible hacker entry-point where you could be exposed – from home worker devices, to the furthest point of your global activity and communications?


Is your security culture strong enough – with your entire workforce following security-aware ways of doing things?


Do you have end-to-end proactive monitoring in place, 24/7/365, to analyse, predict, block and remediate attacks?


Are you using various different solutions for different parts of your infrastructure in different places?


If you have a security team, do they have the skills and 24-hour availability to deal with a world of digital threats, where compromise to, and attacks on, your core operations is a daily occurrence?

Explore your options

- book a security evaluation for your business

Modernised threat intelligence brings the power of AI to proactive monitoring, giving you comprehensive visibility and control over your endpoint, network, and cloud environments.

Book a half-hour security call to explore your current security posture