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Marc Diligent

Director of Global Operations

Marc has been with Viadex since 2006, acquiring and extending his skills in parallel with the expanding success of our business, and the continuous development of our services portfolio. Marc’s team are the attention-to-detail supremos.

Marc provides the essential support for every customer journey that ensures its smooth and problem-free progress. If problems do arise, Marc and his team swing into action to resolve issues anywhere in the world, regardless of complexity.
This is the definition of efficient operations; the removal of complexity. Marc coordinates the subject matter experts at Viadex who are devoted to doing just that – across the project management office, procurement, logistics, and internal business systems. He also guides each of them in their continuous skills development to ensure the team is always at the top of its game and alert to developments in regulation, inter-country commercials, and evolving compliance issues.

Marc champions the value of a well-knit team, and the value of trust and mutual reliance between team members at Viadex; and between Viadex and our customers.